Use [ARROW KEYS] to walk and make menu selections.

Use [SPACE] to interact with people and objects, advance text, and select.

Use [SHIFT] to open and close the notebook and see what to do next.


Updated 6/25/23 with a few bug fixes and new notebook text. 


Updated 3/15/23 with a minigame and a notebook.


I began learning how to make pixel art and program in GML in late August of 2022, after over two decades of playing games and trying to figure out how they work. I'd like to make this a fully fledged RPG, although right now it's just the barest beginnings. (For example: I haven't finished implementing money / purchases yet so no matter how much $$$ you accrue, you can't actually buy anything. That said, it might be harder than you think to do said accruing, and lots of things can be acquired without money changing hands at all...)

What I'd love to know is how it feels, especially if you're not someone who's used to playing games. More than anything, this is an experiment with systems — how the dialogue functions, how items and the inventory work, when sounds make sense and when they don't. I'm really excited to improve on them, and to actually get some real story and gameplay in there. Thanks so much for checking it out!


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